In an increasingly tougher competition, the Norwegian industry depends on developing new high-tech products. A shift from hour demanding production to a more technology demanding production will provide Norwegian shipyards increased competitiveness. The main objective is to develop an ultra-compact electric winch with integrated systems. Such a winch will have many advantages such as higher efficiency, space saving and easy installation.In collaboration with Semcon Devotek, we have developed a concept that we in this project will develop until a scale model for testing at “Mechatronic Innovation Lab” at the University of Agder in Grimstad, Norway.
For a winch with electric drive to be able to handle large loads aboard a floating vessel, with the demanding changes in load vectors that the equipment in such application scenarios applied, it must among other things establish new knowledge about:
How to ensure adequate short reaction time in the control system?
How can such short reaction time be transferred through mechanics and activation system so the system can handle the power and speed without set up destructive forces?
We see this innovation as a revolution that will renew winch supplier industry and which forms the basis for the establishment of new production and new businesses. This project is the first phase, in the next phase, which is a new project, we will work with a winch manufacturer in order to deliver a full-scale project. Ship owners that adopt this new technology will benefit from the space saving and reduced fuel consumption. Space savings provides great opportunities for new ship designs.